As the armed response provider in our communities, SCP SECURITY is proud to assist the Let's Work Team in delivering food parcels to the Needy, Homeless & Women's shelters in the suburbs that it services. The Let's Work team assists in cleaning up suburbs, parks and pavements with funds provided by residents. We are grateful for the recognition and enthusiastic support from our community given to the volunteers and sponsors. Let's Work creates stability and hope for those who were homeless.
A little more about Let's Work:
The City of Joburg is struggling to keep the area where we live and work, clean and tidy.
So as responsible residents, we are taking matters into our own hands. We have established a not-for-profit organisation to help keep Ward 88 clean and are now also helping to uplift the poorest and most vulnerable people living in the area by giving them jobs.
This, we believe, will help businesses in the area flourish, instill in residents a sense of pride in their surroundings, increase security, and turn Ward 88 suburbs into some of the city’s most desirable areas to live.
LET’S WORK is now leading the way - but we need your help!
Let’s Work, as the name implies, means rolling up our sleeves and getting the work done. And there is a lot of work to do – mainly due to the lack maintenance over the past 20 years. As a result, our infrastructure is looking pretty grim. We realise we cannot wait for the city to find the money, so we as residents and businesses need to help contribute towards bettering our ward and assisting the homeless and unemployed. But this means we need your financial support. At the moment, Let’s Work is solely funded by kind donations from residents and some help from businesses.
We are a registered NPO#201-696 and PBO#930064838
As such we are able to issue Donation tax certificates for all contributions.
We look forward to your support and to building stronger relationships in our community!
Let’s Work!”
For more information contact Felicity Lawlor: / +27 82 568 1783
Banking details for donations:
Account Name: LETS WORK
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62801299472
Your Reference: Suburb/Company
NPO# 201-696 and PBO#930064838
Let’s Work was established to help maintain Ward 88 by cleaning up the area. Although it is the City of Joburg’s responsibility, it’s become clear that if residents want to live in a clean and desirable suburb of which they can be proud, we need to take action.
Led by social activist, Felicity Gratz-Lawlor (known, respected and acknowledged by many on social media for her unfailing commitment to improving the area), Let’s Work is already very active in Ward 88. You may have seen us cleaning parks, roads, Westpark Cemetery, and any open area where litter and illegal dumping are a problem.
We remove illegal signs.
We help maintain public parks, and after storms we remove broken branches and help clear fallen trees from roads.
We paint - City Parks has now given Let’s Work permission to repaint all the palisade fencing around the parks on Beyers Naude and Preller Drive. (This is a special project that will provide sponsors with advertising opportunities.)
We provide work for the most vulnerable and marginalised people in the area – the unemployed and homeless. Our aim is to restore their dignity by giving them jobs, and helping them reintegrate into society through our public-spirited projects. We love to see those without a home earn enough money to afford a roof over their heads. We empower people to better their lives.
Let’s Work helps foster social cohesion by bringing communities together.
We also hope to get residents to provide Let’s Work team members with jobs like painting, gardening, and small building work.